Monday, August 31, 2009


Ok well I'm actually in Spain now but the internet in Paris wasn't too good so this post had to wait  This was pretty much the last stop before school started and my 4 days in Paris were well spent.  If you're wondering if Paris is everything everyone says it is.  If just the look and feel of the city isn't enough the the Eiffel Tower, Versailles and the Louvre will do it.  The arch in St. Louis can't even come close to comparing to the view from the Eiffel Tower.  I've been to Sears Tower in Chicago and the Empire State Building in New York and those can't even match the sight from the top of the Eiffel Tower.  Most of the people were helpful too.  The stigma that the French were rude kinda scared us but we only had one problem with any of the locals.  And Versailles if probably one of if not the coolest place we went to on the whole was HUGE! The pictures won't do it justice compared to real life.  If anyone wants to go to Paris I would suggest taking a whole day early in the vacation just to see the whole Palace because it is worth it. Also, the pictures should be up by the weekend!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Life on the River Liffey

The middle stop in my before school traveling is Dublin, Ireland.  The city honestly seems to drink away all the money they earn.  On Sunday night we walked around the city and everyone was out partying and in bars.  Imagine downtown after a Cardinals' post-season game and that was every night in downtown Dublin.  For the record, hop on hop off bus tours are huge money makers.  We have done that in every city so far and they are always filled with tourists.  In Dublin we did the Guinness tour which comes close to putting AB to shame in St. Louis.  We also saw the River Liffey, the Spire and a whole bunch of Irish history places, the picture will explain more.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Stop...London

Alright, we made it to London and it's such an amazing city.  The buildings and history make feel unlike any American city I've been to.  One the first day we went to the Hard Rock for lunch and saw the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace.  Thousands of people from around the world were on the streets around the Palace to see this, and it happens daily so I couldn't believe the turn out.  Tomorrow we are doing a tour of the city, Big Ben, LSE, Buckingham Palace and so on.  Pics will be up with in the next couple of days since I know that's all you guys care about anyways hahah.  Thanks for keeping up with everything guys!