Friday, September 11, 2009

Since it's been a while....

Sorry for the delay in the posts, it's been busy with classes and all the first week activities. The first weekend was great. We went on two day trips with the school, one to Segovia and the other to Toledo. Segovia still has original standing Roman Aqueducts, a couple of those pictures are up and I'm still trying to see if I can post whole albums on this blog but I'm not having a lot of luck doing so. Toledo is basically the kind of city you want to go to in Europe it's on a little river contains old architecture. I hope to get those pics on soon because that has been one of my favorites so far. This weekend I'm going to El Escorial and Valle de los Caidos with school. I love our group of friends because all we talk about is setting up trips...and then we never actually set them up. Next weekend we may or may not go to Valencia and then again the weekend after that we may or may not rent a smart car and go to Munich. One thing that is already on the books is the trip to Brussels with my Econ class. Ben and I get to go meet with lobbyist and European Union representative at the headquarters of the EU. This is (in my opinion) the most exciting thing I'll do this semester. And it only cost a cool $870 (you can't fully appreciate how much the dollar blows until you have to convert it from euros). I hope all is well in the states!


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Friday, September 4, 2009

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I have finally settled into my host family in Madrid and started classes. My host family is really awesome, the senora is super nice and her husband is hilarious. We are rarely at home though because there has been so much to do the first week of school. They make sure they keep us busy so we don't get into too much trouble. They have activities all day and socials during the night. These are really nice to meet different people. I thought the majority of the students would be from the main campus in Saint Louis but we have kids from all across the US and the world. Our roommate is from Ethiopia and there are a bunch of kids from Wake Forest. This weekend should be great because the school is taking us to Segovia on Saturday and Toledo on Sunday, these are our first big trips!