Thursday, October 22, 2009

Becoming Cultured

Soccer and Bullfights

I think October has been the month to experience Spain. We have been on one trip to Alicante. And we have also explored what Madrid has to offer. The Retiro Park is like the Central Park of Madrid, a place that's a buzz on the weekends. Aside from that we have started to experience true Spanish culture:Bullfights and Real Madrid soccer. Bullfights are...interesting. It's a longer process than you would think and they kill about 6 bulls. Tickets were 2 euros so that's three bulls a euro (a pretty decent deal!). Last night we all went to a REAL soccer game. Real Madrid v AC Milan. Soccer in Europe trumps any sport in America it was unbelievable. Now we are taking it easy before November comes along, our big travel month. Morocco, Brussels and Rome in successive weeks. This is why I came to Europe!