Monday, January 18, 2010

First Post of the New Year

OK so I realized that some people are reading this *Mary* so I will make a more concerted effort this semester to keep you updated!

After closing the first week of the new semester I have had little time to do much of anything, I am a campus ambassador here at SLU and I helped lead some of the orientation groups and also got to go to Toledo and Segovia for the second time for free! The school also gave me a 20 euro credit for lunch so this weekend was great needless to say. This next weekend I am excited to go to Salamanca, which is the only place I have yet to go in the immediate area around Madrid. Geneva is scheduled at the end of the month and I have to believe this will be the most adventurous experience yet. Apparently there is some kind of art convention in the city the weekend we will be there so every hostel and hotel is booked. So...this could mean we're sleeping in the airport if we sleep at all while we're there. We have been able to work on some other trips including the Canary Islands off the coast of Africa and Lisbon. Pictures are soon to come!

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